Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future

Our Moment of Choice:

Evolutionary Visions and
Hope for the Future

Our moment of choice is at hand. There has never been a more urgent moment for humankind to come together and prepare for the task ahead. This book offers evolutionary visions, insights, inspiration, innovative solutions, resources and individual and collective action steps to help create momentum for the global transformation that is already well underway.

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by Gregg Braden

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Our Moment of Choice

Humanity is currently facing a series of interconnected crises that threaten our very survival, including climate change, global economic inequality, and increasing social tensions. At the same time, a global shift in consciousness is unfolding that is harnessing our collective power to consciously choose a flourishing, life-affirming future.

Our Moment of Choice features brilliant chapters by forty-two Evolutionary Leaders, including Deepak Chopra™, Lynne McTaggart, Gregg Braden, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bruce Lipton, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Larry Dossey, Elisabet Sahtouris, and many more. These leading-edge thinkers reflect upon and offer creative solutions to the challenges facing humanity, providing their own visions for how we can ensure a successful completion to the transformation of consciousness already underway.

This forward-thinking compilation calls on each of us to be the cocreators of a just, unified, peaceful, and thriving world. The time has come for all humanity to be united in pur­pose. This is our call to action. This is our collective moment of choice, upon which our future depends.


Eben Alexander III

Eben Alexander III

Robert Atkinson

Robert Atkinson

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Joan Borysenko

Joan Borysenko

Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden

Rinaldo Brutuco

Rinaldo Brutoco

Connie Buffalo

Constance Buffalo

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra

Jude Currivan

Jude Currivan

Barbara Dossey

Barbara Dossey

Larry Dossey

Larry Dossey

Gordon F. Dveirin

Gordon F. Dveirin

Duane Elgin

Duane Elgin

Justin Faerman

Justin Faerman

Steve Farrell

Steve Farrell

David Gershon

David Gershon

Jean Houston

Jean Houston

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Barbara Marx Hubbard

Desiree Hurtak

Desiree Hurtak

J.J. Hurtak

J.J. Hurtak

Shilpa Jain

Shilpa Jain

Kurt Johnson

Kurt Johnson

Loch Kelly

Loch Kelly

Eve Konstantine

Eve Konstantine

Phil Lane Jr

Phil Lane Jr.

Ervin Laszlo

Ervin Laszlo

Lori Leyden

Lori Leyden

Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce H. Lipton

Sarah McCrum

Sarah McCrum

Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart

Nina Meyerhof

Nina Meyerhof

Deborah Moldow

Deborah Moldow

Karen Newell

Karen Newell

James O’Dea

James O'Dea

Gino Pastori-Ng

Gino Pastori-Ng

John Perkins

John Perkins

Elisabet Sahtouris

Elisabet Sahtouris

Christian Sorensen

Christian Sorensen

Sylvia E. Sumter

Sylvia E. Sumter

Daniel Christian Wahl

Daniel Christian Wahl

Claudia Welss

Claudia Welss

Diane Marie Williams

Diane Marie Williams

David Sloan Wilson

David Sloan Wilson

Endorsements for
Our Moment of Choice

This Innovative and revolutionary message of hope and wisdom from many of the greatest visionaries and Evolutionary Leaders of our times is creating a global movement that will lead us to growth and transformation as we usher in a new earth. I highly recommend this book.

Anita Moorjani - New York Times Best Selling author of Dying to Be Me

Important medicine for a time of rapid change!

Stephen Dinan, CEO of The Shift Network.

Our Moment of Choice is a magnificent affirmation of choice, care, and compassion.  It is a song of love.

Gary Zukav, author The Seat of the Soul and The Dancing Wu Li Masters

This is a book writ large, a beautiful symphonic composition from different eminent authors, who discern the confluence of the great evolutionary flow of human consciousness that is ushering us into the higher realms of global transformation. A moving, astounding work that expresses the underlying unity that exists in the pluralistic and diverse external world, and lovingly, thoughtfully guides us into transcendence. The multi-perspectival approaches expressed consistently point to the truth of our wholeness that will lead us to a planetary wholesomeness built on the foundation of love, compassion, and selfless service to humanity. A revelatory map that charts the course to our collective awakening.

Audrey Kitagawa, Chair of the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Thanks to the Evolutionary Leaders, forty-three brilliant minds who share their views of humanity's greatest challenges, their personal visions of the future, and solutions to unlock and enlighten our multi-dimensional global crisis. In an alignment of consciousness, these wise elders articulate a world view for the sur-THRIVAL of a planetary civilization.

Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, Visionary Artists, Co-Founders of CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors

In Our Moment of Choice: Conscious Evolution and Hope for the Future, a remarkable community of wisdom teachers share their profound reflections, and call each of us to a journey of discovery. Each chapter invites us to awaken the potential within to make the choices that will nurture wholeness and connectedness in self, other and world. Together these authors are midwives of a movement for an expanded human consciousness, ancient and new, offering hope and pathways to renewed life at a time of human and planetary reckoning.

The Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian Jr.
Executive Director
URI ~ United Religions Initiative 

Our entire species, including your soul and mine, is about to make a decision that will be its most important ever. We are about to answer the question, “Who am I, and who do I choose to be?” This is about not just the improvement of life on Earth, but the evolution of the spirit as well.

The words in this remarkable book from these remarkable people can make a remarkable difference in your life, and on the planet that you bequeath with love to those who have trusted you to do your best to help make things better. Thank you for deeply considering them. Time is of the essence.

Neale Donald Walsch, New York Times bestselling author
of 9 books on spirituality, including: Conversations with God, Books 1-3; Friendship with God; Communion with God; The New Revelations; Tomorrow’s God; What God Wants; and Conversations with God: Awaken the Species (Book 4) (2017).

Our Moment of Choice has come at the perfect time, a testament to the great work that all the Evolutionary Leaders are doing in the world. We are definitely primed for an evolutionary leap. This book will definitely inspire you!

Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the #1New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series

The 43 contributors of Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future are members of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, a project of the Source of Synergy Foundation.

Meet all of the Evolutionary Leaders at

The Evolutionary Leaders Circle is a project of
The Source of Synergy Foundation

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