Our Moment of Choice:
Evolutionary Visions and
Hope for the Future
Our moment of choice is at hand. There has never been a more urgent moment for humankind to come together and prepare for the task ahead. This book offers evolutionary visions, insights, inspiration, innovative solutions, resources and individual and collective action steps to help create momentum for the global transformation that is already well underway.
Eben Alexander III
Robert Atkinson
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Joan Borysenko
Gregg Braden
Rinaldo Brutoco
Constance Buffalo
Deepak Chopra
Jude Currivan
Barbara Dossey
Larry Dossey
Gordon F. Dveirin
Duane Elgin
Justin Faerman
Steve Farrell
David Gershon
Jean Houston
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Desiree Hurtak
J.J. Hurtak
Shilpa Jain
Kurt Johnson
Loch Kelly
Eve Konstantine
Phil Lane Jr.
Ervin Laszlo
Lori Leyden
Bruce H. Lipton
Sarah McCrum
Lynne McTaggart
Nina Meyerhof
Deborah Moldow
Karen Newell
James O'Dea
Gino Pastori-Ng
John Perkins
Elisabet Sahtouris
Christian Sorensen
Sylvia E. Sumter
Daniel Christian Wahl
Claudia Welss
Diane Marie Williams
David Sloan Wilson
Debut of "Our Moment of Choice"
On June 25 at 3pm Eastern we launched
"Our Moment of Choice: Evolutionary Visions and Hope for the Future"
during World Unity Week.
Endorsements for
Our Moment of Choice
Excerpt from Preface, by Deborah Moldow and Diane Marie Williams:
This book is about hope. It’s about action. It’s about innovation. It’s about a synergistic convergence of the worldwide network of interconnected humanity ushering in the next level of human consciousness.
The future is fast approaching. Yet despite images of fast-flowing melting glaciers and cataclysmic natural disasters on our screens and the politics of division tearing at our collective soul, we are in the midst of the greatest evolutionary leap in consciousness in human history.
Our moment of choice is at hand. There has never been a more urgent moment than today for humankind to come together and prepare for the task ahead by taking on a new kind of evolutionary leadership grounded in the principle of synergy.
Excerpt from Chapter 27, "Change Our Story; Change Our World," by Gregg Braden:
In the new human story, as we remember to revere the specialness of life and the role of cooperation in nature, it will no longer make sense to criticize, hurt, and kill one another with the ease and frequency that we see today. And by basing our children’s education on these uniquely human values, we create the foundational shift—a complete sea change—that leads to our greatest destiny of realized potential as a species.
Excerpt from the Epilogue, by Robert Atkinson and Kurt Johnson:
We, as evolutionary leaders, offer our solutions and resources to help guide this process of a grand, global, synergistic convergence that inte- grates our separate parts into a greater whole. We are here to facilitate a unified world by supporting the conscious evolution of the whole to help guide our next step toward the highest point of humanity’s collective evolution.
The time has come for all of humanity to be united in purpose. We proclaim humanity’s coming of age; we are approaching our collective maturity, in which every single member of the human family is here now to help usher in and cocreate a just, prosperous, and peaceful world. This is the goal all others in past ages have lived for; we are the ones to now carry it into being.
Contributors in alphabetical order:
Eben Alexander III
Robert Atkinson
Michael Bernard Beckwith
Joan Borysenko
Gregg Braden
Rinaldo Brutuco
Connie Buffalo
Deepak Chopra
Jude Currivan
Barbara Dossey
Larry Dossey
Gordon F. Dveirin
Duane Elgin
Justin Faerman
Steve Farrell
David Gershon
Jean Houston
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Desiree Hurtak
J.J. Hurtak
Shilpa Jain
Kurt Johnson
Loch Kelly
Eve Konstantine
Phil Lane Jr
Ervin Laszlo
Lori Leyden
Bruce H. Lipton
Sarah McCrum
Lynne McTaggart
Nina Meyerhof
Deborah Moldow
Karen Newell
James O’Dea
Gino Pastori-Ng
John Perkins
Elisabet Sahtouris
Christian Sorensen
Sylvia E. Sumter
Daniel Christian Wahl
Claudia Welss
Diane Marie Williams
David Sloan Wilson
Meet all of the Evolutionary Leaders at
The Evolutionary Leaders Circle is a project of
The Source of Synergy Foundation
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